miércoles, agosto 29

Office's "The Ritz"

So, Office is in L.A. Hooray! They played Cinespace last night, and are playing The Standard tonight, then the Roxy tomorrow. What a week for these luvers!

Catch them if you can!

OFFICE - The Ritz

martes, agosto 28

Sending hugs over cyberspace doesn't hurt.

My dad's sister (Aunt Imelda) came home yesterday from a weekend trip with her friends to find my Uncle Eddie had passed away during her absence. Though he was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago, he was in remission and as far as I'm told it's unclear what caused his death.

My Aunt Cora (who is my dad's brother and my favorite Uncle Ralph's wife) called me yesterday to tell me that Uncle Eddie had passed. And not only that - their dog passed away during the weekend as well.

Of all my cousins, I'm probably closest to my cousin Mark (both in age, career, and interest) - and Uncle Eddie was his father. I called him yesterday as soon as I found out. He was on a train back home to Philadelphia from Baltimore, where he was on a business trip. He sounded fine when he picked up the call - and then when he heard it was me and we began to talk he slowly started sobbing, which is what I found so heart wrenching... He seems better today, and says that, "Everything is going smoothly." The funeral is in a suburb of Philly on Saturday at 11am. I'm looking for flights right now.

All this might be very factual, but I'm so numb right now that the facts are all I have to give.

If you've read this, I don't mean to make you sad. I just want you to reach out to someone(s) in your family and let them know you're thinking about them and love them and send them hugs, even if over the phone/email/etc.

Biggest hugs and lots of love from your friend Celeste.

Somewhere on the east coast in the 1970s.
Mark Cruz, Uncle Eddie, and Celeste Tabora.

© 2009-2010 celeste tabora